Rabu, 12 September 2018

Chef Cookbook Rsyslog

Rsyslog cookbook changelog. installs and configures rsyslog to replace sysklogd for client and/or server use. by default, the service will be configured to log to files on local disk.. Rsyslog cookbook. installs and configures rsyslog to replace sysklogd for client and/or server use. by default, the service will be configured to log to files on local disk.. Rsyslog cookbook (6.0.4) centos, fedora, debian, ubuntu, redhat, scientific, amazon, oracle, mint, zlinux.

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Rsyslog cookbook (1.2.0) debian, ubuntu. adoptable cookbooks list. looking for a cookbook to adopt? you can now see a list of cookbooks available for adoption!. Chef-client_syslog cookbook (0.1.1) adoptable cookbooks list. looking for a cookbook to adopt? you can now see a list of cookbooks available for adoption!. Pdf / rsyslog forked from chef-cookbooks/rsyslog. code. pull requests 0. rsyslog cookbook. installs and configures rsyslog to replace sysklogd for client and/or.

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